Anagrams of TMV
Word TMV has
6 exact anagrams and 19 other words
that can be made by using the letters of TMV.
- 2,4,5-t
a light-tan, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 5 Cl 3 O 3 , used chiefly for killing weeds.
- 1080
- M-14
a fully automatic, gas-operated, .30 caliber rifle developed from the M-1: replaced the M-1 as the standard U.S. Army combat rifle.
- M-16
a lightweight, fully automatic rifle shooting a small-caliber bullet at an extremely high velocity: a U.S. Army combat weapon for mobile units and jungle fighting.
- V-2
a liquid-fueled rocket used as a ballistic missile by the Germans, mainly against London, late in World War II.
- V-1
a robot bomb developed by the Germans in World War II and launched from bases on the ground, chiefly against England.
- Vt.
- Mt.
- M-1
a semiautomatic, gas-operated, .30 caliber, clip-fed rifle, with a weight of 8.56 pounds (3.88 kg): the standard U.S. Army rifle in World War II and in the Korean War.