Anagrams of pref.
Word pref. has
1 exact anagrams and 27 other words
that can be made by using the letters of pref..
- R.
- RF
- PE
the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
- P.
Paul (Johann von) [poul yoh-hahn fuh n] /paʊl ˈyoʊ hɑn fən/ (Show IPA), 1830–1914, German playwright, novelist, poet, and short-story writer: Nobel Prize 1910.
- FE
- FP
- f.
(Paul) Felix (Edler von Münzberg) [poul fey-liks eyd-luh r fuh n mynts-berk] /paʊl ˈfeɪ lɪks ˈeɪd lər fən ˈmüntsˌbɛrk/ (Show IPA), 1863–1942, Austrian composer, conductor, and writer.
- er
(used to express or represent a pause, hesitation, uncertainty, etc.).
- E.
Edward (St. John) 1925–2000, U.S. writer and illustrator.
- RP