Definitions for FE


Fe is a 2 letter English word.

You can make 5 anagrams from letters in FE (ef).

Origin of FE

From the Latin word ferrum

Examples for FE

Was she going to let Fe—I mean 'Antoun,' take her out to dinner?

After crossing a point of the mountain, we reached Santa Fe,48 on the 5th.

All other nouns in f or Fe are regular; adding only s, to form the plural.

PE, like Fe, is another Hebrew letter, tho Greek and math people preFer their PI better.

Fosters of the Fe, i. 175, foresters of the king's demesnes.

Go in a room you will see a barrel of flour an' you Fe take it so Fe me drop in d.

Bro'er Deat' say me Fe wash de pot, but no mo so me no yerry.

Bro'er Deat' say me Fe to put him on, but no mo so me no yerry.

There are thirteen nouns ending in f and three in Fe which form the plural in ves.

Brother Deat' give him fire an' one egg, tell him Fe go home.

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