Anagrams of kyat
Word kyat has
2 exact anagrams and 23 other words
that can be made by using the letters of kyat.
- 2,4,5-t
a light-tan, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 5 Cl 3 O 3 , used chiefly for killing weeds.
- 1080
- Katy
a female given name, form of Katherine or Catherine.
- Tay
a river flowing through central Scotland into the Firth of Tay. 118 miles (190 km) long.
- Ky.
- Kay
Sir Arthurian Romance. the rude, boastful foster brother and seneschal of Arthur.
- ka-
- Kt.
- at.
- yak
a large, stocky, shaggy-haired wild ox, Bos grunniens, of the Tibetan highlands, having long, curved horns: endangered.
- K.
- YA
the 28th letter of the Arabic alphabet.
- K2
Also called Godwin Austen [god-win aw-stin] /ˈgɒd wɪn ˈɔ stɪn/ (Show IPA), Dapsang [duh p-suhng] /dəpˈsʌŋ/ (Show IPA). a mountain in N Kashmir, in the Karakoram range: second highest peak in the world. 28,250 feet (8611 meters).
- YT
- Y.
- AK
- t.
- T1
- TA
the 16th letter of the Arabic alphabet.
- A.
Agnolo (di Cosimo di Mariano) [ah-nyaw-law dee kaw-zee-maw dee mah-ryah-naw] /ˈɑ nyɔ lɔ di ˈkɔ zi mɔ di mɑˈryɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1502–72, Italian painter.
- ty
- tk