You can make 906 anagrams from letters in Pirandello (adeillnopr).
It would be a mistake to convey the impression that Pirandello is universally admired in Italy.
Moreover, it states a fundamental preoccupation of Pirandello in peculiarly lucid and striking fashion.
All of Pirandello's plays are built for acting, and only incidentally for reading.
Without such attention and thought the subtleties of Pirandello often escape the reader.
Enough for the lover of the theatre is the fact that Pirandello derives the most interesting dramatic possibilities from it.
They must be taken as a whole—if one would look for a full statement of Pirandello's "thought."
It is one of the plays of Pirandello that has had considerable success on the stage.
Let us not miss the latter, especially, in the complex mood of all Pirandello's theatre.