You can make 132 anagrams from letters in piranha (aahinpr).
1865-70; Portuguese Tupi
Killer fish jumping through the screen, the return of Richard Dreyfuss—piranha 3D has it all.
The piranha, called also the caribe, is a kind of salmon (Tetragonopterus).
There are several kinds of piranha, many of which abound in the waters of the Tapajos.
"But kill that piranha before you try to handle it," she advised seriously.
Killer fish jumping through the screen, the return of Richard Dreyfuss— piranha 3D has it all.
piranha 3D, the new horror movie by director Alexandre Aja, which marks the big-screen return of the schlocky creature feature.
And they lunched quite happily on piranha and pacu—which is smaller—and drank water, and for dessert had more piranha.
The Aug. 20 opening of piranha 3D is hotly anticipated by loads of gore-loving horror-movie buffs.
piranha 3D is the latest campy monster movie audiences can't help but love.
piranha was a film that far exceeded our expectations in quality and commercial success.