Definitions for ARA

ARA A·ra

Spelling: [ey-ruh, air-uh]
IPA: /ˈeɪ rə, ˈɛər ə/

Ara is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 8 anagrams from letters in ARA (aar).

Definitions for ARA


  1. the Altar, a southern constellation between Triangulum Australe and Scorpius.

Origin of ARA

From the Latin word āra altar

Examples for ARA

With Ara, she said, "it was not so much about hair and much more about creation of a fantasy."

"Ara Gallant isn't really 'hired' for shootings," wrote Blair Sabol in the Village Voice in 1970.

Similar inscriptions are on the ambone of Ara Cœli, and the doorway at Falleri.

Huston writes in the book that Ara Gallant was "an influencer, a mentor, an advisor, a director, a comrade in arms."

Had one sat all one's life on the steps of Ara Cœli for this?

He came to Aksam-kusaveve, and from there he went on to Hanemo'-Ara, where there is a lake.

And sometimes the words altare and Ara are used in the same sense.

Ara Gallant was the hairstylist-turned-photographer who pioneered the glamour of the 1970s.

The third, "Ara Celi," will trace the foundations of the Papal power.

The crimson topaz, or Ara humming-bird (Topaza pella), vies with it in beauty.

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