Anagrams of mondo
Word mondo has
4 exact anagrams and 39 other words
that can be made by using the letters of mondo.
- 2,4-d
a white to yellow, crystalline powder, C 8 H 6 O 3 Cl 2 , slightly soluble in water: used for killing weeds.
- 30-30
- nomo-
- mono-
- doom
fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune:
- M-16
a lightweight, fully automatic rifle shooting a small-caliber bullet at an extremely high velocity: a U.S. Army combat weapon for mobile units and jungle fighting.
- M-14
a fully automatic, gas-operated, .30 caliber rifle developed from the M-1: replaced the M-1 as the standard U.S. Army combat rifle.
- Mon.
- mood
a state or quality of feeling at a particular time:
- Doon
a river in SW Scotland, flowing NW from Ayr County to the Firth of Clyde. About 30 miles (48 km) long.
- 1080
- mod.
- nom.
- Dom.
- Moon
the earth's natural satellite, orbiting the earth at a mean distance of 238,857 miles (384,393 km) and having a diameter of 2160 miles (3476 km).
- Nod
a short, quick downward bending forward of the head, as in assent, greeting, or command or because of drowsiness.
- moo
a mooing sound.
- Om.
- oo-
- o-o
any of several species of Hawaiian honey eaters of the genus Moho, especially the extinct M. nobilis, of the island of Hawaii, that had black plumage and two tufts of yellow plumes used to make ceremonial robes for the Hawaiian kings.
- oon
- M-1
a semiautomatic, gas-operated, .30 caliber, clip-fed rifle, with a weight of 8.56 pounds (3.88 kg): the standard U.S. Army rifle in World War II and in the Korean War.
- do.
- Md.
- Don
(initial capital letter) Mr.; Sir: a Spanish title prefixed to a man's given name.
- Mo.
- 2D
a two-dimensional form or appearance:
- 3D
a three-dimensional form or appearance:
- D.
- OD
a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.
- O.
- DN
- DM
- No
an utterance of the word “no.”.
- NM
- ND
- N.
- M.
- MN