Definitions for M-14

M-14 M-14

Spelling: [em-fawr-teen, -fohr-]
IPA: /ˈɛmˌfɔrˈtin, -ˌfoʊr-/

M-14 is a 4 letter English word.

You can make 5 anagrams from letters in M-14 (-14m).

Definitions for M-14


  1. a fully automatic, gas-operated, .30 caliber rifle developed from the M-1: replaced the M-1 as the standard U.S. Army combat rifle.

Examples for M-14

I am not familiar with the difference between the M-14 in its accuracy and the 1906 Springfield.

One for the M-1 rifle and the other for the carbine—rather, this is the M-14, the new one.

Word Value for M-14


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