Anagrams of Woolf
Word Woolf has
2 exact anagrams and 36 other words
that can be made by using the letters of Woolf.
- Wolof
a language of Senegal, a Niger-Congo language closely related to Fulani.
- 30-30
- 1080
- fool
a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.
- woof
filling (def 5).
- Wolf
any of several large carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the dog family Canidae, especially C. lupus, usually hunting in packs, formerly common throughout the Northern Hemisphere but now chiefly restricted to the more unpopulated parts of its range.
- fowl
the domestic or barnyard hen or rooster; chicken.
Compare domestic fowl.
- loof
the palm of the hand.
- fol.
- flow
an act of flowing.
- wool
the fine, soft, curly hair that forms the fleece of sheep and certain other animals, characterized by minute, overlapping surface scales that give it its felting property.
- oo-
- owl
any of numerous, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey, of the order Strigiformes, having a broad head with large, forward-directed eyes that are usually surrounded by disks of modified feathers: many populations are diminishing owing to loss of habitat.
- Woo
verb (used with object),
to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. Synonyms: court, pursue, chase.
- fo.
- Fl.
- loo
a card game in which forfeits are paid into a pool.
- Flo
a female given name, form of Florence.
- Low
something that is low, as ground or prices:
- of-
- o-o
any of several species of Hawaiian honey eaters of the genus Moho, especially the extinct M. nobilis, of the island of Hawaii, that had black plumage and two tufts of yellow plumes used to make ceremonial robes for the Hawaiian kings.
- f.
(Paul) Felix (Edler von Münzberg) [poul fey-liks eyd-luh r fuh n mynts-berk] /paʊl ˈfeɪ lɪks ˈeɪd lər fən ˈmüntsˌbɛrk/ (Show IPA), 1863–1942, Austrian composer, conductor, and writer.
- WO
- WL
- WF
- w/
- L.
- OW
(used especially as an expression of intense or sudden pain.)
- LW
- FW
- O.
- LO
an informal, simplified spelling of low1 , used especially in labeling or advertising commercial products:
- LF
- L2
- L1
- ol