Lf is a 2 letter English word.
You can make 7 anagrams from letters in LF (fl).
Other similar combinations are sorge, scae and same, GE 302; sorge and sare, lf.
This, on the whole, agrees with the Highland ballad version, lf 198.
God a geworhte nne mannan of lme, and him on ableow gast, lf.
Cu is geond ealle eodscipas t fela wundra gelumpon t ra apostola byrgenum, urh s Hlendes tie, am sy wuldor and lf on ecnysse.
Assmann, 56/141; wear se halga iohannes tforan him asend swa swa heofonlic bydel, lf.
It sometimes means vigorously, as in hi fengon togadre fstlice mid wpnum, lf.
So lf and geslig t is, onne we arisa of deae, and mid Criste rixia.
God awrt a ealdan mid his fingre on am stnenum weax-bredum, lf.
Similar in effect but exclamatory is Hwt se casere cw him t andsware, lf.
Mare miht ws, t he one dea mid his riste tobrc, onne he his lf geheolde, of re rode astigende.