Anagrams of Sask.
Word Sask. has
1 exact anagrams and 18 other words
that can be made by using the letters of Sask..
- 1080
- skas
a modern style of vocalized Jamaican popular music, which emerged in the 1950s as a blend of African-Jamaican folk music, calypso, and American rhythm and blues, notable for its shuffling, scratchlike tempo and jazzlike horn riffs on the offbeat.
- asks
the first man, made by the gods from an ash tree.
- ss.
- ska
a modern style of vocalized Jamaican popular music, which emerged in the 1950s as a blend of African-Jamaican folk music, calypso, and American rhythm and blues, notable for its shuffling, scratchlike tempo and jazzlike horn riffs on the offbeat.
- Kas
(in the Netherlands and in Dutch colonies) a large cabinet of the 17th and 18th centuries, having two doors and often a number of drawers at the bottom, and usually having an elaborately painted or carved decoration with a heavy cornice.
- ka-
the first man, made by the gods from an ash tree.
a long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammal, Equus asinus, related to the horse, used chiefly as a beast of burden.
- K2
Also called Godwin Austen [god-win aw-stin] /ˈgɒd wɪn ˈɔ stɪn/ (Show IPA), Dapsang [duh p-suhng] /dəpˈsʌŋ/ (Show IPA). a mountain in N Kashmir, in the Karakoram range: second highest peak in the world. 28,250 feet (8611 meters).
- K.
- S.
- SA
- sk
- AK
- A.
Agnolo (di Cosimo di Mariano) [ah-nyaw-law dee kaw-zee-maw dee mah-ryah-naw] /ˈɑ nyɔ lɔ di ˈkɔ zi mɔ di mɑˈryɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1502–72, Italian painter.