Anagrams of nav.
Word nav. has
2 exact anagrams and 16 other words
that can be made by using the letters of nav..
- an.
- av.
- a-v
- Va.
- V-1
a robot bomb developed by the Germans in World War II and launched from bases on the ground, chiefly against England.
- V-2
a liquid-fueled rocket used as a ballistic missile by the Germans, mainly against London, late in World War II.
the foremost or front division of an army, a fleet, or any group leading an advance or in position to lead an advance.
- A.
Agnolo (di Cosimo di Mariano) [ah-nyaw-law dee kaw-zee-maw dee mah-ryah-naw] /ˈɑ nyɔ lɔ di ˈkɔ zi mɔ di mɑˈryɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1502–72, Italian painter.
- N.
- NA
no1 .
- NV
- V.
- VN