Anagrams of Khiva
Word Khiva has
1 exact anagrams and 36 other words
that can be made by using the letters of Khiva.
- 1080
- haik
an oblong cloth used as an outer garment by the Arabs.
- kiva
a large chamber, often wholly or partly underground, in a Pueblo Indian village, used for religious ceremonies and other purposes.
- V-2
a liquid-fueled rocket used as a ballistic missile by the Germans, mainly against London, late in World War II.
- V-1
a robot bomb developed by the Germans in World War II and launched from bases on the ground, chiefly against England.
- Va.
- kVA
- Kha
the seventh letter of the Arabic alphabet, representing a velar spirant consonant sound.
- ka-
- Iva
any composite plant of the genus Iva, characterized by usually opposite leaves and inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers.
- Ia.
a variable retrovirus that invades and inactivates helper T cells of the immune system and is a cause of AIDS and AIDS-related complex: variants were identified in several laboratories and independently named lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 (HTLV-3) and AIDS-related virus (ARV) the name human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) being subsequently proposed by an international taxonomy committee.
- Via
Architecture. a space between two mutules.
- Akh
the transfigured and beatified spirit of a dead person.
- Avi
- av.
- a-v
- ahi
yellowfin tuna, widely used in sashimi.
- AK
- A.
Agnolo (di Cosimo di Mariano) [ah-nyaw-law dee kaw-zee-maw dee mah-ryah-naw] /ˈɑ nyɔ lɔ di ˈkɔ zi mɔ di mɑˈryɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1502–72, Italian painter.
- AH
(used as an exclamation of pain, surprise, pity, complaint, dislike, joy, etc., according to the manner of utterance.)
- VI
- AI
a three-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus, inhabiting forests of southern Venezuela, the Guianas, and northern Brazil, having a diet apparently restricted to the leaves of the trumpet-tree, and sounding a high-pitched cry when disturbed.
- V.
- HV
- KI
the Sumerian goddess personifying earth: the counterpart of the Akkadian Aruru.
- HK
- K2
Also called Godwin Austen [god-win aw-stin] /ˈgɒd wɪn ˈɔ stɪn/ (Show IPA), Dapsang [duh p-suhng] /dəpˈsʌŋ/ (Show IPA). a mountain in N Kashmir, in the Karakoram range: second highest peak in the world. 28,250 feet (8611 meters).
- KV
- K.
- h.
- HI
an informal, simplified spelling of high:
- i.
- IV
an intravenous device for delivering electrolyte solutions, medicines, and nutrients.