Anagrams of Abib
Word Abib has
3 exact anagrams and 19 other words
that can be made by using the letters of Abib.
- 1080
- Bib.
- Babi
Also called Babism. a Persian religion, originating in the 19th century, now supplanted by Bahaʾi.
- Ia.
- Bia
the ancient Greek personification of force: daughter of Pallas and Styx and sister of Cratus, Nike, and Zelos.
- bi-
- Bai
a yellow mist occurring in eastern China and Japan during the spring and fall, caused by dust from the interior of China.
- Bab
abbreviated form of Bab ed-Din.
- abb
low-grade wool from the breech or outer edges of a fleece.
- ab-
- ib.
- BB
a size of shot, 0.18 inches (0.46 cm) in diameter, fired from an air rifle or BB gun.
- BA
an aspect of the soul, represented as a human-headed bird.
- B-
- AI
a three-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus, inhabiting forests of southern Venezuela, the Guianas, and northern Brazil, having a diet apparently restricted to the leaves of the trumpet-tree, and sounding a high-pitched cry when disturbed.
- i.
- A.
Agnolo (di Cosimo di Mariano) [ah-nyaw-law dee kaw-zee-maw dee mah-ryah-naw] /ˈɑ nyɔ lɔ di ˈkɔ zi mɔ di mɑˈryɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1502–72, Italian painter.