Definitions for Yoruba

Yoruba Yo·ru·ba

Spelling: [yawr-uh-buh, yohr-]
IPA: /ˈyɔr ə bə, ˈyoʊr-/

Yoruba is a 6 letter English word.

You can make 88 anagrams from letters in Yoruba (aboruy).

Definitions for Yoruba


  1. a member of a numerous West African coastal people.
  2. the language of the Yoruba, a Kwa language.

Examples for Yoruba

There is, no doubt, a very close connection between it and Yoruba.

Whether or no to place Benin with Yoruba or with Calabar is a problem.

Allied to the Stinger (ota) of Yoruba, and Idzalco, the fighter which makes one go.

This is why Americans speak English even though more of us are ethnically German or Yoruba.

Its inhabitants are of various tribes, among which the Yoruba now predominate.

The Fula, however, maintained the Yoruba system of government, which places the chief power in a council of elders.

In the Egba tribes of the Yoruba country they become objects of worship.

And Marta Moreno Vega, an Afro-Caribbean expert on Yoruba philosophy, seems to dare you to sum up her ethnicity.

The Yoruba country is between the other two I have mentioned.

The Yoruba country was the chief scene of their hunting expeditions.

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