Definitions for Yi

Yi yi

Spelling: [yee]
IPA: /yi/

Yi is a 2 letter English word.

You can make 4 anagrams from letters in Yi (iy).

Definitions for Yi


  1. (in Chinese ethical philosophy) faithful performance of one's specified duties to society.
  2. Lolo (def 1).

Origin of Yi

From the Chinese word yì

Examples for Yi

At one point on a date, Cera pretends to leave the restaurant, leaving yi sitting despondent for a full minute.

yi Lin Zhuo, 31, had not yet returned from work at the time of the attack.

"My heart softens strangely at your tears," said yi Chin Ho.

So he proposed that yi put herself on camera as the interviewer, and that she also fall in love over the course of the film.

The like is to be said of the oblong of ay, and yi, by drawing the perpendicular sl, as afore.

But, unlike his brethren in other lands, yi Chin Ho was in jail.

But after meeting her, it is clear that yi is not the timid girl from the film.

Therefore as ea is to yi: so is yi to ue; and so is ue, to ai.

Essos is also home to the archipelagos of Braavos and Lys, cities Pentos, Asshai, yi Ti, and the Shadow Lands.

yi, an' there's some chaps as does go round like moudiwarps.

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