Definitions for wrests

wrests wrest

Spelling: [rest]
IPA: /rɛst/

Wrests is a 6 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 8 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 8 points.

You can make 76 anagrams from letters in wrests (ersstw).

Definitions for wrests


  1. a wresting; twist or wrench.
  2. a key or small wrench for tuning stringed musical instruments, as the harp or piano, by turning the pins to which the strings are fastened.

verb (used with object)

  1. to twist or turn; pull, jerk, or force by a violent twist.
  2. to take away by force:
  3. to get by effort:
  4. to twist or turn from the proper course, application, use, meaning, or the like; wrench.

Origin of wrests

before 1000; (v.) Middle English wresten, Old English wrǣstan; cognate with Old Norse reista; akin to wrist; (noun) Middle English: a wresting, derivative of the v.

Examples for wrests

Formerly she would have liked to wrest by force from heaven the secrets of destiny.

The answer is to occupy the Tea Party—and wrest it from the grumpy old men who currently run it.

The military made an aggressive push to wrest control over drone targeting decisions away from the president.

Robert Shrum on the four tricks the GOP might use to wrest back control.

At the very moment of possessing you some miracle will wrest you from my arms.

And what is more, I'll do it too, in order to wrest my friends from their clutches!

By concession, we may be all we strive for, but never could wrest by force.

She could never seem to wrest free any back royalties, but she always seemed to owe back taxes.

He must see who his captive was, wrest from him the heart of the mystery.

Jade asked Strong if she was ever at a loss for ideas and if so, how she might wrest herself from a slump.

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