Virginia is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 128 anagrams from letters in Virginia (agiiinrv).
I first saw Marvin when I was ten years old, living with my parents in Arlington, Virginia.
This is Virginia's birthday—she tells me she is seventeen to-day.
Further, in the Super Tuesday states of Florida, Texas, and Virginia, Paul is operating at a decided disadvantage.
He is to be taken to the depot, to go to Virginia in the first train.
The former Virginia governor was once the golden boy of the GOP.
"I thought something by your look," said Virginia, blushing.
"And I thought something, my dear Virginia," said Mrs. Ormond, smiling.
And now came the planters of Virginia, bringing their crops of tobacco.
Even though clerks in Virginia, Colorado, Utah, and other states have been doing exactly that.
I was a part of this tour, debating Meyer in Richmond, Virginia in April.