You can make 134 anagrams from letters in Vincennes (ceeinnnsv).
The distance to Vincennes by land, was a hundred and fifty miles.
Not a word was said 100 until the car was humming on the road to Vincennes.
In short, it made them think of the Bois de Vincennes when they went there for a picnic.
Louis had now established his summer residence at the castle of Vincennes.
The horse-artillery at Vincennes are ready, on the instant, to gallop into the capital.
He died at Vincennes, and with great pomp his body was brought by Paris to London.
I followed a regiment of the chasseurs of Vincennes to their field of drill.
The Bastille and Vincennes both seemed to me too near to Paris.
Cahokia and Vincennes soon quietly succumbed to his influence.
He would generally conduct her to Vincennes; at other times they would go to the theatre.