Vexation is a 8 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 18 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 20 points.
You can make 238 anagrams from letters in vexation (aeinotvx).
1350-1400; Middle English vexacioun Latin vexātiōn- (stem of vexātiō), equivalent to vexāt(us) (past participle of vexāre to vex; see Examples for vexation
The man must have been a detestable hypocrite, I think, had he not shown his vexation.
"We shall have to pass the night here," he said, vexation in his tone.
He raised his arms to heaven, he was stifling with envy and vexation.
But seriously, my dear L——, I am not sorry that you are in a course of vexation.
At this accident Jason could not help uttering a cry of vexation.
I felt almost maddened with this disappointment and vexation.
"I believe the Evil One is in the box," said he, with some vexation.
She threw aside the letter with a gesture of vexation, and opened the next.
The plural vexed Temple, and he told himself how unreasonable the vexation was.
Silence was painful to me, and reply only accumulated difficulty and vexation.