You can make 247 anagrams from letters in univocal (acilnouv).
1535-45; Late Latin ūnivōc(us) (ūni- uni- + -vōcus, adj. derivative of vōx, stem vōc-, voice) + -al1
But it was stated above that the word 'univocal' was applied to those things which had both name and definition in common.
Systems of univocal signs participate in the production of ideas only to a small degree.
That in this case the word church or church form is certainly ambiguous and not univocal.
Names abused infer not the things signified by an univocal term.
Again, the generic term and the specific term ought to be univocal in signification.
If you ask a dialectical question in plain and univocal language, the respondent is bound to answer Yes or No.
While it is not univocal, it is at the same time not absolutely equivocal.
The question must be asked how such a close and univocal relationship is possible between things of such different nature.