Definitions for UAE


Uae is a 3 letter English word.

You can make 9 anagrams from letters in UAE (aeu).

Examples for UAE

Secretary of State specifically mentions Saudi Arabia, uae, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt as allies.

The forces from Christian nations were hired to protect Muslim leaders in the uae, Wired reported in 2011.

Both the uae and the kingdom see the Brotherhood as a menace.

The uae issued its own statement this weekend fully backing Abdullah.

However, the Arab League, which includes Qatar, the uae and Saudi Arabia, never approved a military strike.

What some at the State Department might regard as an oversight was interpreted as a major slight by the uae.

The uae almost always conducts its diplomacy behind the scenes and rarely issues any public criticism of the United States.

Correction: The original version of this article incorrectly named the foreign minister of the uae.

This close alliance is now straining after a rare outburst from the uae.

The uae is buying the latest Predator drones, but is far from ready to use them.

Word Value for UAE


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