Tupi is a 4 letter English word.
You can make 30 anagrams from letters in Tupi (iptu).
Among the linguistically distinct peoples found in the latter area are the Tupi, Arawaks, and Caribs.
The Tupi word for dog is yaguara, and for wolf, yagua-men, or old dog.
But Tupi cosmology varies with locality, and this accounts for the conflicting notices of its several investigators.
Afterwards this word was corrupted into Tupi, or Tupin, and Tape.
Tupi angrily repeated his order and made as if to strike the inattentive bird.
And whatever the name may have signified in the language of the Red Bones, its Tupi definition fitted with disagreeable precision.
There is reason, however, to suppose one of them was the Tupi or lengua geral, of Brazil.
When and where the Babel existed, whence the many branches of the great Tupi family separated, we know not.
Martius1527 has since indicated, in the Tupi language of Brazil, the names pacoba or bacoba.
An isolated Tupi group exists far to the north-west of the territory occupied by the bulk of this family.