Tsh is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 14 anagrams from letters in TSH (hst).
In some foreign words like cicala the ch- (TSH) value is given to c.
In other cases they are pronounced ts, TSH, dz, dzh respectively.
If TSH be right, the reference will probably be to the throw of a catapult.
Persian Dictionaries give sang (TSH), a weight, but without further information.
The English TSH becomes dzh; perhaps, in the mouth of a Frenchman, zh.
Guidelines were developed: hypothyroid was anyone with TSH higher than 5.
The statement is, the s of the one dialect becomes ty or TSH (and ch) in the other.
A horse fell down in the yard, and Stanway, watching from the window, exclaimed: 'TSH!