Definitions for tots

tots tot

Spelling: [tot]
IPA: /tɒt/

Tots is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 3 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 3 points.

You can make 17 anagrams from letters in tots (ostt).

Definitions for tots


  1. a small child.
  2. Chiefly British. a small portion of a beverage, especially a dram of liquor.
  3. a small quantity of anything.
  4. a total.
  5. the act of adding.
  6. British Informal. a column of numbers to be added.

verb (used with or without object)

  1. to add; total (often followed by up).

Origin of tots

1680-90; perhaps short for totterer

Examples for tots

Here's hoping Pauly D waits a few years before popping his tot in a tanning bed.

Go and tell Deep Sea and fetch the brickies, and get they on tot.

This tot was marching to the verse rhythm, just as he would have marched to music.

I drank a very little—the first and last "tot" I took during the battle.

But so it is,—tot genera hominum,—so many kinds of whist-players are there!

Anna is so fond of tot, that she will not let a cat come into the room where he is.

As soon as the men came on board, a tot of grog was served out, all round.

Charles et al didn't just tot up how much members of each racial group spent.

At stand-down in the dawn (hours afterwards) he was sipping his tot of rum.

The curate took the coffee but refused the tot, although the non-com.

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