Tobolsk is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 131 anagrams from letters in Tobolsk (bkloost).
At Tobolsk, according to Gmelin, there is a red-coloured breed.
A modern novelist has boasted that her books are read ‘from Tobolsk to Tangiers.’
It certainly was like flying over the Tobolsk area and looking down.
For some breach of discipline Alabiev was exiled for a time to Tobolsk.
Do you remember, Art, when we had the pack after us at Tobolsk?
You mean, sir, that Agent Jones wasn't able to contact this farmer in Tobolsk?
At Tobolsk, whence I come, I learned that she inhabits this village.
In 1587, Tobolsk was founded on the Irtish, ten miles below Sibir.
Yet I have seen at Tobolsk, Kameneff, the brigand, celebrated for his crimes.
Ghedimin was no longer a prince, but became, in Tobolsk, the happiest of men.