You can make 95 anagrams from letters in Tijuana (aaijntu).
Go back and tell us all that you can remember about this trip to Tijuana?
Did you stay in Tijuana itself or did you stay across the border?
Because of the controversial nature of the film, Naranjo could not do much filming in Tijuana itself.
The team behind Indochine and Acme is also opening Tijuana Picnic in the LES sometime this month.
Can you remember whether your trip to Tijuana was before the rifle qualification or after?
Shaw filed a missing persons report with the Colorado Springs Police Department and contacted the American consulate in Tijuana.
A hit Mexican film, Miss Bala, is set in violent Tijuana with a beauty contestant lead.
You mentioned one time that you and Oswald and a couple of other fellows went to Tijuana.
The loads end up in the hands of a Tijuana cartel that specializes in smuggling drugs across the border.
One Tijuana judge acknowledged that she had convinced him that class should not be a factor in the administration of justice.