Thespis is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 171 anagrams from letters in Thespis (ehipsst).
Indeed, seldom have I encountered in the ranks of Thespis a more modest young woman.
Susarion is said to be the Inventor of the first, and Thespis of the latter.
Was not Homer himself a vagrant, and did not Thespis go about in a caravan?
How early these expressions may have been used, we learn from the account of Thespis.
"Perfectly," said Andre-Louis, dryly, and was thus committed to the service of Thespis.
I would not for the world make holes in the cloak of Thespis.
For all that Thespis has lasted much longer than is generally believed.
But let us remember that when Thespis spoke from his car, the world had also wise men.
Even in the cart of Thespis some corner must have been found for the musician.
She would strike him through his other love, the love of Thespis. '