You can make 148 anagrams from letters in Tenerife (eeefinrt).
Santa Cruz in Tenerife, its road, town and harbour described.
The largest loss of life in any incident was at Tenerife in 1977 when two Boeing 747s collided in fog, killing 583 people.
The inhabitants of the islands were known as Guanches or Guanchinet, the latter meaning “men of Tenerife.”
We were not so fortunate on this occasion as to obtain a distant sea view of the far-famed peak of Tenerife.
Weyler, Marquis of Tenerife, is an extraordinary individual.
We were now standing away for the island Tenerife where I intended to take in some wine and brandy for my voyage.
The next day at nine in the forenoon we saw the island of Tenerife bearing west-south-west half west about twelve leagues distant.
North-west winds give notice beforehand of their coming, at Port Oratavia in Tenerife, and how provided against.
From this time to our arrival at Tenerife we had moderate weather and winds mostly from the northward.
The winds for some days after leaving Tenerife were mostly from the southward.