Teh is a 3 letter English word.
You can make 16 anagrams from letters in Teh (eht).
Chinese (Wade-Giles) te2, (pinyin) dé
I tell you yo' pap's thet desprut dar's no tellin' whut he woan do Teh keep you an' yo' sweetheart 'part.
Dtere udt iss, Toctor; I put udt town on Teh schlate; ovver, I hope you ugscooce te hayndtwriding.
"I ain't never knowed one Teh make me sick t' my stommick yet," confessed the native.
Ole Dilsey's done kep' still long 'nough; it's time fer her Teh lay down de law a bit.
A rumor circulating on twitter that Mr Clifford's doctor is named Dr Cockson has yet to be verified by Teh Royalist.
Spending Fridays at school was Teh suck anyway, and I was glad of the excuse to make my escape.
Abe's action followed that of the twig, in Teh suddenness of his upspringing.
Undt I sendts vert to Mr. Richlun tat he shouldt come into Teh offuss.