Techie is a 6 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 11 points.
You can make 63 anagrams from letters in techie (ceehit).
First recorded in 1980-85; tech(nical) + -ie
Chris Cheng, techie: Gun owners should be a protected class.
But in techie jargon, what Apple has done with the iTunes Store is called “paving the cowpath.”
The techie people can connect to it in one way and the hardcore right-wingers can connect to it in a different way.
Brinsley was trying to produce tracks—hip-hop, mostly—and he apparently had a knack as a techie.
Mikhail Stepanskiy, a 33-year-old techie born and raised in Kiev, is still shell-shocked.
Hayes had become enough of a techie that he had installed a wireless surveillance camera system on his yacht.
By the time Ghonim was released from prison, Mubarak was resigning and the Google techie was the new face of the Arab Spring.
But, as the crinkled and upturned noses of the techie rich attest, the city has an abundance of street people.