Tanya is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 32 anagrams from letters in Tanya (aanty).
Michelle Obama Wears Tanya Taylor: Up-and-coming designer Tanya Taylor received a pretty big compliment on Wednesday.
“Everyone else can get away with it but not me,” Tanya says.
"You know I never said it was rubbish, Tanya," he returned deprecatingly.
Two female bystanders, including Tanya Baker, tried to break up the fight.
I forgot to tell you, but we may again have a slack season, Tanya.
And Michelle Obama makes designer Tanya Taylor do "a little dance."
Dovgan is only one of many cases of unlawful detention, according to Human Rights Watch Senior Research Tanya Lokshina.
You give up Tanya, you tired of her, you breaking your word!
Tanya, he began at last, I told you yesterday that I have something important to say to you.
I should push you away, I am ruined, Tanya, I am ruined past all help.