You can make 599 anagrams from letters in Swedenborg (bdeegnorsw).
At twenty-one Swedenborg graduated at the University of Upsala.
To the dead Swedenborg succeeded the living Swedenborgianism.
However, it is not on this reasoning alone that Swedenborg relies.
What Swedenborg saw upon that earth has no special interest.
Not that I would put Swedenborg on a par with the ordinary medium.
I take for granted that my health will there be improved, and that Swedenborg has not deceived me.
He was fond of Swedenborg, and in his early youth relished Tom Paine.
That Darwin read Swedenborg with minute care, there is no doubt.
One passage of Swedenborg's description of Jupiter is curious.
The value of Swedenborg lies largely in what you can read into him.