You can make 162 anagrams from letters in surmise (eimrssu).
1350-1400; Middle English surmisen Anglo-French surmis(e), Middle French (past participle of surmettre to accuse Latin supermittere to throw upon), equivalent to sur- sur-
In any event, Sarkozy supporters are correct to surmise that his detention is bad timing for the comeback bid.
For what purpose this umbrella may have been carried we can only surmise.
She did, however, choose to surmise that “The nationality of the shooter, it sounds Hispanic, Latino,” based on his name.
He could surmise one item in keeping with young women of Somali heritage.
“In retrospect, one could surmise that ISIS has been working towards this point for years now,” he says.
"You are quite right in that surmise also," answered Miss Jennie.
But since you ask for my opinion, you must tell me all you know or surmise of their inducements.
It is not difficult to surmise to what enterprises the President referred.
What danger she might at this moment be facing, he could only surmise.
With her appearance at C——-, commenced all that surmise could invent.