Subacetate is a 10 letter English word.
You can make 362 anagrams from letters in subacetate (aabceesttu).
First recorded in 1810-20; sub- + acetate
A subacetate of lead is formed by digesting a cold solution of uncrystallized acetate, over litharge, with frequent agitation.
Among external refrigerants are cold water, evaporating lotions, weak solutions of subacetate of lead, &c.
After adding the solution of subacetate of lead the flask must be gently shaken, so as to mix it with the sugar solution.
subacetate of Copper (verdegris) occurs in masses, or as a greenish powder.
This process was modified by Lassen, who precipitated the aqueous solution with the subacetate of lead.
In such case, before making up to the mark, a saturated solution of subacetate of lead is added.
subacetate of Copper, Subchloride, and Carbonate, all act very similarly to the sulphate when given in large doses.