Definitions for strung

strung strung

Spelling: [struhng]
IPA: /strʌŋ/

Strung is a 6 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 7 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 10 points.

You can make 89 anagrams from letters in strung (gnrstu).

Definitions for strung


  1. a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  2. something resembling a cord or thread.
  3. Also called cosmic string. Physics. a mathematical entity used to represent elementary particles, as gravitons, quarks, or leptons, in terms of a small but finite stringlike object existing in the four dimensions of spacetime and in additional, hypothetical, spacelike dimensions. The theory of such objects (string theory) avoids the many mathematical difficulties that arise from treating particles as points.
  4. a narrow strip of flexible material, as cloth or leather, for tying parts together:
  5. a necklace consisting of a number of beads, pearls, or the like threaded or strung on a cord; strand:
  6. any series of things arranged or connected in a line or following closely one after another:
  7. a series of railroad cars coupled together but not constituting an entire train.
  8. Journalism. a compilation of clippings of a stringer's published writings, submitted in request of payment according to an agreed space rate.
  9. a group of animals, especially saddle horses, owned or used by one person:
  10. (in a musical instrument) a tightly stretched cord or wire that produces a tone when caused to vibrate, as by plucking, striking, or friction of a bow.
  11. strings. stringed instruments, especially those played with a bow. players on such instruments in an orchestra or band.
  12. a bowstring.
  13. a cord or fiber in a plant.
  14. the tough piece uniting the two parts of a pod:
  15. Architecture. a stringcourse. Also called stringer. one of the sloping sides of a stair, supporting the treads and risers.
  16. Computers, Linguistics. a linear sequence of symbols, words, characters, or bits that is treated as a unit.
  17. Billiards, Pool. a stroke made by each player from the head of the table to the opposite cushion and back, to determine, by means of the resultant positions of the cue balls, who shall open the game. Also called string line. a line from behind which the cue ball is placed after being out of play.
  18. a complement of contestants or players grouped as a squad in accordance with their skill:
  19. Usually, strings. conditions or limitations on a proposal:
  20. Obsolete. a ligament, nerve, or the like in an animal body.


  1. simple past tense and past participle of string.


  1. on a / the string, Informal. subject to the whim of another; in one's power; dependent:
  2. pull strings / wires, to use one's influence or authority, usually in secret, in order to bring about a desired result. to gain or attempt to gain one's objectives by means of influential friends, associates, etc.:

Verb phrases

  1. string along, Informal. to be in agreement; follow with confidence: to keep (a person) waiting or in a state of uncertainty. to deceive; cheat; trick.
  2. string out, to extend; stretch out: to prolong:

verb (used with object)

  1. to furnish with or as with a string or strings:
  2. to extend or stretch (a cord, thread, etc.) from one point to another.
  3. to thread on or as on a string:
  4. to connect in or as in a line; arrange in a series or succession:
  5. Music. to adjust the string of (a bow) or tighten the strings of (a musical instrument) to the required pitch. to equip (a bow or instrument) with new strings.
  6. to provide or adorn with something suspended or slung:
  7. to deprive of a string or strings; strip the strings from:
  8. to make tense, as the sinews, nerves, mind, etc.
  9. to kill by hanging (usually followed by up).
  10. Slang. to fool or hoax.

verb (used without object)

  1. to form into or move in a string or series:
  2. to form into a string or strings, as a glutinous substance does when pulled:

Origin of strung

before 900; (noun) Middle English string, streng, Old English streng; cognate with Dutch streng, German Strang; akin to Latin stringere to bind; (v.) late Middle English stringen to string a

Examples for strung

It doesn't amuse me to be strung up and cut down and strung up again.

Yet if I had caught him again I would have strung him up to the first limb.

The bards had strung their harps, and began the song of death.

These fringe bands were also strung in horizontal form across a cotton-knit silk dress, as if suspended on a weaving loom.

It had been strung by some of the asylum attendants and was a private wire.

And Williamson so frequently invokes God that she starts sounding like Louis Gohmert strung out on good vibes.

Yet there was a nameless air of preparation in the room, as if it were strung up for an occasion.

Somehow they strung together three wins in their conference tournament and sneaked into the Big Dance.

It really affects your spirit, and you can rise out of the ashes, or get strung out on drugs and have low self-esteem.

So it was fun to see how they strung those together and had the hybrid between live-action and animation.

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