Statius is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 101 anagrams from letters in Statius (aissttu).
I think the solution is to be found by referring to Statius.
Why, she even attempted to get up a recitation; Statius was to do her the honor.
Coleridge has 'adapted' the words of Statius to point his own moral.
There is a description of such games, held at a funeral, in Statius, Theb.
Statius Caecilius, one of the most famous writers of comedy.
Statius was a favourite writer with the poets of the middle ages.
The poets of this period were Juvenal, Statius, and Martial.
But Statius does not expressly say that Thiodamas blew a trumpet himself.
Statius also provided the foundation for one of her minor departures from Homer.
Of this single topic one half was a translation from Statius.