Definitions for spartans

spartans Spar·tan

Spelling: [spahr-tn]
IPA: /ˈspɑr tn/

Spartans is a 8 letter English word. It's valid Words with friends word worth 11 points.

You can make 222 anagrams from letters in spartans (aanprsst).

Definitions for spartans


  1. a native or inhabitant of Sparta.
  2. a person of Spartan characteristics.
  3. a native or inhabitant of Sparta.
  4. a person of Spartan characteristics.


  1. Also, Spartanic [spahr-tan-ik] /spɑrˈtæn ɪk/ (Show IPA). of or relating to Sparta or its people.
  2. (usually lowercase) suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
  3. (usually lowercase) brave; undaunted.
  4. Also, Spartanic [spahr-tan-ik] /spɑrˈtæn ɪk/ (Show IPA). of or relating to Sparta or its people.
  5. (usually lowercase) suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
  6. (usually lowercase) brave; undaunted.

Origin of spartans

1375-1425; late Middle English Latin Spartānus, equivalent to Spart(a) Sparta (Doric Greek Spártā) + -ānus -an

Examples for spartans

There was a Spartan law forbidding masters to emancipate their slaves.

But when they reached Rhegium, the wary Spartan was already beyond their reach.

Spartan admirals quickly trained themselves for a new kind of war, and one of them, Lysander, mastered it very quickly.

There are sad, Spartan stores, endless rundown espresso cafes, and just a handful of attractive restaurants.

He was long described by his Spartan mother, who thought him a dunce, as only ‘food for powder.’

Plato has criticised this as a marked defect of the Spartan system.

Having raised up a Spartan fleet to destroy Athens, they then opened their coffers to Athens and helped it rebuild.

It is hard for her to part from you, and she has behaved like a Spartan.

Their sense of security was badly shocked when Spartan ships, fueled by Persian cash, first attacked their military convoys.

Bullough was a third-team all-American and a cornerstone of the Spartan defense.

Plato has criticised this as a marked defect of the Spartan system.

He was long described by his Spartan mother, who thought him a dunce, as only ‘food for powder.’

There are sad, Spartan stores, endless rundown espresso cafes, and just a handful of attractive restaurants.

Having raised up a Spartan fleet to destroy Athens, they then opened their coffers to Athens and helped it rebuild.

Spartan admirals quickly trained themselves for a new kind of war, and one of them, Lysander, mastered it very quickly.

But when they reached Rhegium, the wary Spartan was already beyond their reach.

It is hard for her to part from you, and she has behaved like a Spartan.

Bullough was a third-team all-American and a cornerstone of the Spartan defense.

Their sense of security was badly shocked when Spartan ships, fueled by Persian cash, first attacked their military convoys.

There was a Spartan law forbidding masters to emancipate their slaves.

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