Definitions for siscowet

siscowet sis·co·wet

Spelling: [sis-kuh-wet]
IPA: /ˈsɪs kəˌwɛt/

Siscowet is a 8 letter English word.

You can make 216 anagrams from letters in siscowet (ceiosstw).

Definitions for siscowet


  1. a variety of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush siscowet, inhabiting the deeper waters of Lake Superior.

Origin of siscowet

1840-50, Americanism; shortening of Ojibwa pe·mite·wiskawe·t fish with oily flesh (derivative of pimite·w- oil + -iskawe· (of fish) to have flesh (of the specified type), or derivative of ano

Word Value for siscowet


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