Definitions for signa

signa sig·na

Spelling: [sig-nuh]
IPA: /ˈsɪg nə/

Signa is a 5 letter English word.

You can make 68 anagrams from letters in signa (agins).

Definitions for signa


  1. (used imperatively, in prescriptions) mark; write; label.

Origin of signa

Latin signā, 2nd person singular present imperative active of signāre; see sign

Examples for signa

When they got home, signa had a fire burning in the sitting-room stove.

Well, I was only a little lad, too, but why could not I become what “signa” dreamed of being?

signa is reached after crossing the Arno for the first time.

signa and Nelse were staying on with Alexandra until winter.

signa had shyly asked to have the wedding put off until Emil came home.

signa asked permission to sleep on the slat lounge outside her door.

There is a play on the double meaning of signa, "signs" and "statues."

signa would not come that way now, since he had to be in the town for the evening.

signa held the lantern so that he could see to buckle the straps.

signa followed him across the wagon-shed to the horses' stable.

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