Definitions for SIC

SIC sic

Spelling: [sik]
IPA: /sɪk/

Sic is a 3 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 5 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 6 points.

You can make 12 anagrams from letters in SIC (cis).

Definitions for SIC


  1. so; thus: usually written parenthetically to denote that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that may appear strange or incorrect has been written intentionally or has been quoted verbatim: (sic).
  2. (of the duration of the binding force treaty) for as long as the relevant facts and circumstances remain basically the same.
  3. so throughout: used especially as a footnote to indicate that a word, phrase, or idea recurs throughout the book being cited.


  1. such.

verb (used with object)

  1. to attack (used especially in commanding a dog):
  2. to incite to attack (usually followed by on).

Origin of SIC

First recorded in 1835-45; variant of seek

Examples for SIC

Leapolitan responded by saying, “hopefully youll [sic] bite into a poison apple.”

I point to dem sojers an say, "sic him, General Lee, sic him."

You'll have to sic some other poor devil on this glittering proposition of yours.

They mention that a former cia agent and someone who used to work for Hilary [sic] Clinton looked at the script.

It wad be fair sinfu' no' ta tak a drop at sic a time as this.

Then Pascal responds (in all caps) with, “BUT WE DIDNT WIN A D [sic] YOU KNOW HIM.”

sic semper tyrannis, does not mean "Tyrants are always sick."

Else there wadna hae been sic a sad welcome for her bonnie bairn.

“Bare [sic] with me on vlogmas,” she told her fans in a Tweet.

“The institution of marraige [sic] is under attack in our society and it needs to be strengthened,” Bush wrote.

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