Shales is a 6 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 8 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 8 points.
You can make 97 anagrams from letters in shales (aehlss).
1740-50; origin uncertain; compare obsolete shale to split (said of stone), to shell, derivative of shale shell, husk, Old English scealu shell, husk; see scale
Thanks to the shale revolution, the U.S. has abundant supplies of natural gas.
Volcanoes spewed lava and ash, ocean floors were thrust upward, sand and rock and shale settled into slurry.
Thanks to the shale revolution, domestic oil production is soaring.
Green and red marl, shale, and shaly limestone with some veins of gypsum.
The inside of the cave is a shale that no one could dig into.
If the layers were of sand, the rock is sandstone; if of clay, it is shale.
Makovich himself is a keen ecologist—and other members like him are opposed to shale gas drilling.
The narrowest and deepest gorge is hundreds of feet deep in the shale.
Thanks to the shale revolution and new technology, locomotives could burn a lot cleaner and cheaper.
I pushed him on over a sloping peak of shale, and told him to hold his tongue.