Definitions for separates
Spelling: [verb sep-uh-reyt; adjective, noun
Separates is a 9 letter English word.
It's valid Scrabble word worth 11 points.
It's valid Words with friends word worth 12 points.
You can make 438 anagrams from letters in separates (aaeeprsst).
Definitions for separates
Usually, separates. women's outer garments that may be worn in combination with a variety of others to make different ensembles, as matching and contrasting blouses, skirts, and sweaters.
offprint (def 1).
a bibliographical unit, as an article, chapter, or other portion of a larger work, printed from the same type but issued separately, sometimes with additional pages.
detached, disconnected, or disjoined.
unconnected; distinct; unique:
being or standing apart; distant or dispersed:
existing or maintained independently:
individual or particular:
not shared; individual or private:
(sometimes initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a church or other organization no longer associated with the original or parent organization.
verb (used with object)
to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space:
to put, bring, or force apart; part:
to set apart; disconnect; dissociate:
to remove or sever from association, service, etc., especially legally or formally:
to sort, part, divide, or disperse (an assemblage, mass, compound, etc.), as into individual units, components, or elements.
to take by parting or dividing; extract (usually followed by from or out):
Mathematics. to write (the variables of a differential equation) in a form in which the differentials of the independent and dependent variables are, respectively, functions of these variables alone:
Compare separation of variables.
verb (used without object)
to part company; withdraw from personal association (often followed by from):
(of a married pair) to stop living together but without getting a divorce.
to draw or come apart; become divided, disconnected, or detached.
to become parted from a mass or compound:
to take or go in different directions:
Origin of separates
1400-50; late Middle English (noun and adj.) Latin sēparātus (past participle of sēparāre), equivalent to sē- se- + par(āre) to furnish, produce, obtain, Examples for separates
The gulf which separates parents and children is one which the parents must cross.
There is an at-grade light-rail line that for a couple of miles runs right along the Green Line that separates West from East.
I was captivated and by the end, I felt smarter, finally on the right side of the line that separates boys and men.
Such is the situation of a woman who separates from her husband.
Where, truly, in man, is the line that separates courage from cowardice?
Finding the common bonds that help us realize that we have far more in common than that which separates us.
Would you know the measure of the interval which separates them?
But in Buenos Aires, everyone knows what separates a Boca Juniors fan from a River Plate fan—there's a stark difference in class.
And how enormous is the distance which separates the just from the unjust in regard to pleasure and pain!
What separates the trolls from the exuberant or opinionated is anonymity.