Seme is a 4 letter English word. It's valid Scrabble word worth 6 points. It's valid Words with friends word worth 7 points.
You can make 23 anagrams from letters in seme (eems).
1555-65; French: literally, sown, past participle of semer Latin sēmināre to sow, equivalent to sēmin- (stem of sēmen) seed, semen + -āre infinitive suffix
For it seme at gentilesse be a maner preysynge at come of decert of auncestres.
It seme quod I to repugnen and to contrarien 4440 gretly at god knowe byforn alle inges.
For alle fortune at seme sharpe or aspre yif it ne exercise nat e good folk.
It seme quod I to repugnen and to contrarien gretly at god knowe byforn alle inges.
Noblesse and fauour of poeple whiche at iue as it seme a manere clernesse of renoun.
It should seme the rather with the desire of that pleasure and greate treasure whiche they had eyght moneths enioyed before.
Certys me seme at I se e felonus couines of wikked men abounden in ioie and in gladnes.
And it seme to some oer folk at noblesse of renoun be e souerein goode.
For it seme at strenge and gretnesse of body euen power and worinesse.
O e erelyche bestes considere e nat ouer whiche ing at it seme at e han power.