Sedalia is a 7 letter English word.
You can make 217 anagrams from letters in Sedalia (aadeils).
I have heard that Sedalia is to marry a Mormon bishop, but I doubt it.
Pope's troops reoccupied their camps at Sedalia and Otterville just one week after they marched out of them.
Had he lived, Sedalia would not have tried in vain to swipe the capital from Jefferson City.
At one time I held a service with the prisoners in the county jail in Sedalia, Missouri.
She went on to explain that Sedalia was expecting to be married and that Gale was so "common" she would really spoil the match.
Dese is some of de particularest things of de Confederate times dat I come back from Sedalia to give you, dat's right.
When they arrived at Sedalia the work was being accomplished by another portion of the Division.
Wandering about several months after his escape, he arrives in Sedalia, Missouri.
I was born in Sedalia, Mo., where my father was a prominent citizen.
We give a clipping from a Sedalia paper concerning the case.