Scotsmen is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 270 anagrams from letters in Scotsmen (cemnosst).
1325-75; Middle English. See Scots, -man
This gay, debonair Scotsman is simply worshipped by the men.
My cousin says he is a Scotsman born, and you like Scotland.
Then he dived below again to the engines so dear to his Scotsman's heart.
Alex Massie is a former Washington correspondent for The Scotsman and The Daily Telegraph.
He said it was "Kahore pai;" or, as a Scotsman would put it, "no canny."
That Byron himself had been raised a Scotsman and a Calvinist placed him from birth slightly askew from the ruling British elite.
Her skipper was a good sea salt; he was a Scotsman all right.
"And it's good for him to look upon the face o a friend," said the Scotsman.
That is, until a rough-tongued Scotsman rekindled the flame.
Blind with passion the Indian threw himself upon the Scotsman.