Schwerin is a 8 letter English word.
You can make 265 anagrams from letters in Schwerin (cehinrsw).
In the Museum of Schwerin is an example of the metal rim which is complete: it is circular, and the central boss is also present.
He says he has urgent business at Schwerin, though what it can be I am sure I do not know!
After writing my last letter to you in Lbeck I started for Schwerin.
Every time the bridge was filled by Russians, Schwerin swept it clear with the fire from his two cannon.
Schwerin made as if he did not understand, and this enabled me to take his measure.
He knew little, he said, for he only carried despatches from Schwerin.
That is Schwerin's notion; who surely is something of a judge.
Pembroke had become an intimate friend of mine since my proceedings with regard to Schwerin.
Permit me, said he to the great Schwerin, to die on the bed of heroes, for I have no longer a father!
Schwerin gave command to have the cannon dragged a hundred yards back and then fired, with the same disastrous effect.