Samas is a 5 letter English word.
You can make 41 anagrams from letters in Samas (aamss).
From the Arabic word samāʿ literally, hearing
The chief, turning to one of the sub-chiefs, said: "sama will take you to them."
A third heroic personage known in the early times was Keresaspa, of the noble sama family.
One should next, O king, repair to the tirtha called sama in Jayanti.
They went on past that place, on up the river until they came to sama'ôkusa.
Samme, as Cock writes it, is sama, a title of respect appended to the name.
Foyne sama had been dead some twelve months, and Figen a sama reigned in his stead.
The hymns addressed to Soma, in a later age, are styled sama Vedas.
sama, a title equivalent to Mr. It is a polite term used for both men and women.
The O'Kagé sama now was longing for the rightful substitution.
In the objective sacrifice which one celebrates, the sama, the Yajus, and the Rik mantras are all necessary.