You can make 385 anagrams from letters in ruffianism (affiimnrsu).
First recorded in 1585-95; ruffian + -ism
ruffianism and common vice of every kind had all their own way.
It was evident that success had but developed his ruffianism.
All ruffianism affronts me, and actions legitimate in others are crimes in me.
He was a fine compound of ruffianism, shrewdness, and a sort of caustic humour.
The Preparatory Schools of ruffianism are similarly borne with.
It was unnecessary to admit for a moment the existence of impudence or ruffianism.
Your Lordships have seen, in the evidence, what this ruffianism was.
He listens to the representatives of ruffianism, counting them first.
ruffianism may speak the language of learning or religion; it is ruffianism still.
The ruffianism of these scoundrels did not allow them even to apologize for their crime.